Glance Battle of Uhud
Battle of Uhud is a war broke out between the Muslims and the Quraish on 7th Shawwal, 3rd year of Hijri, or coincide with March 22, 625 AD This war occurred less than a year over a week after the Battle of Badr. As usual, the number of soldiers between the two forces are always unbalanced, ie, the Muslim army numbered 700 while the kafir forces totaling 3,000 people. Islamic army led by the Prophet Muhammad while the kafir forces led by Abu Sufyan. Known as the Battle of Uhud occurred near Uhud is located 4 miles from the Prophet's Mosque and has an altitude of 1000 feet off the ground with a length of 5 miles.Prophet had put the Islamic forces in the foothills of Uhud in the west. The Islamic Army in formation compact with a length of approximately 1,000 front yard. The right wing is in the foothills of Uhud while the left wing is in the foothills Ainain (40 feet high, 500 feet long). Right wing Muslims are safe because it is protected by Uhud, while the left wing is in danger, because the enemy can be rounded hills Ainain and attack from behind, to overcome this Prophet put 50 archers in Ainain under the leadership of Abdullah bin Zubair to command a very firm and clear that is:
"Use thine against enemy cavalry. Keep the cavalry from behind us. As long as you remain in place, the rear of us safe. Do not even you leave this position. If you see us win, do not join; if you see us lose, do not come to help us. "
Behind the Islamic forces there were 14 women who served to give water to the thirsty, bring the wounded out of the war, and treat the wound. Among these women is Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and wife of Ali, while the Prophet himself was in the left wing.
The position of the Islamic forces aim to exploit the advantages of Islamic forces, namely courage and fighting skill. It also negates the advantage that the number of enemies and cavalry (horse Islamic forces just two, one of which belonged to the Prophet Muhammad). Abu Sufyan would prefer an open war in which he can maneuver to the side and rear of the Islamic army and mobilize the entire army to besiege the forces. But the Prophet neutralize this and forced to fight in front of Abu Sufyan limited where infantry and cavalry is not very useful. Also it should be noted that the Islamic army actually overlooks the medina and rear facing Uhud, the road to Madinah open to kuffar.
Quraish army camped a mile south of Uhud. Abu Sufyan classify these forces became infantry in the center and two wings of cavalry on the side. The right wing led by Khalid bin Walid and left-wing led by Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, each measuring 100 people. Amr bin Al-As was appointed as commander of both wings but its job is mainly to coordinate (In the end the three leaders of this force conversion to Islam). Abu Sufyan also put 100 archers at the forefront. Quraish flag carried by Talha bin Abu Talha.
For the defeat in the Battle of Uhud
This story is written in Sura Ali 'Imran verse 140-179. In Ayat2 in Sura Al 'Imran, Mohammed s.a.w explained that the defeat at Uhud is a test from Allah (paragraph 141) - a test for the Muslim believers and hypocrites (paragraphs 166-167)."Do you think that you will enter Paradise while yet real to God those who strive among you, and yet real people who are patient (paragraph 142)? Even if Muhammad himself killed, Muslims must keep fighting (paragraph 144 ), because no one who dies without the permission of God (verse 145). Look at the prophets who did not become weak because of the disaster that befell them in Allah's way (paragraph 146). the Muslim should not obey the unbelievers (paragraph 149), Will We into the hearts of the unbelievers fear (paragraph 151). " -
Ayahs above does not show the real reason why the Muslim Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and lost the war in Uhud. A more complete explanation can be read in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 276
As a human being, it is natural if someone had forgotten something. Likewise, troops stationed on the hill of Uhud. They are forgotten and finally down into the valley to pick the right winners of the war. Saw a lot of troops from Islamic parties who left the post at the top of the hill, Khalid bin Walid ordered the infidel troops remaining to turn back and attack the Islamic forces. Heading up the hill was taken by the infidels and the Islamic forces left there were killed, including the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad Hamzah
Stories in the Battle of Uhud
After the Quraish suffered defeat at the battle of Badr, with the murder of several prominent them and the rest fled helter-skelter back to Mecca, and Abu Sofyan arrived in Makkah with the caravan trade, then Abdullah bin Abi Rabi'a, 'Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, Safwan bin Umayya as well as some of the Quraysh of another child, father and their brothers killed the victim turns out to be the battle of Badr, came to Abu Sofyan then Berbi-way to him and to the traders of Quraysh who was with her:"O people of Quraysh, verily he has destroyed you and kill those guys the best. Therefore, please help us with your treasure it for combat. Hopefully we can take revenge for the death of people we are! "Abu Sufyan and those with him grant their request it.
Then the disbelievers of Quraysh agreed to fight against the Prophet Muhammad., After Abu Sofyan and traders of Quraysh others agreed to provide assistance to them by including ahabisy (tribes Arab outside the tribe of Quraysh to join the people of Quraish) towing the they, among other tribes and population Kinaanah Tihaamah. They have also included their wives as a guarantee that they do not escape from the battlefield. Abu Sofyan who acts as commander of the war set off with his wife, Hind bint Utbah. Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl went along with his wife, Umm Hakim bint al-Harith bin Hisham bin Mughirah. al-Harith bin Hisham bin Mughirah departed with his wife, Fatima bint al-Walid bin al-Mughirah. Safwan bin Umayya went along with his wife, daughter Barzah Mas'ud ats-Tsaqafiyah. And 'Amr ibn al-'As departed with his wife, Biriithah Munabbih bint al-Hajjaj bin.
Quraish continued walking until he reached the two springs, precisely in the valley of a mountain called Sabkhah, an aqueduct on the right edge of the valley overlooking the city of Medina. When the troops arrived at the venue Quraysh, the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims heard the news of the arrival of the troops. Prophet said:
"By Allah, I had seen a good dream. I see my ox slaughtered and saw one of the sides of the sword cleft. (Prophet said: "The ox is a few people who killed my best friend. The cleft is seen on one of the sides of the sword is one of my family were killed.")
And I see I put my hand into a suit of armor that is strong, I menakwil armor it is the city of Medina. Rasulullah SAW., Said to his companions: "If you want, keep you stay in Madinah and leave them in place for a stopover them. If they remain there, then that place is the worst. And if they get to us ( Medina), then we're fighting them in it. " Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul agrees with the Prophet Muhammad, that they should not come out to face the Quraysh.
Actually, the Prophet Muhammad., Did not want to get out of Medina to face them. However, some of the Muslims who are glorified by God to fall as a martyr in the battle of Uhud and other wars who was not present at Badr said:
"O Messenger of Allah, come out with us to face the enemy, so that they do not see us as people who are cowards and do not have the guts to face them." Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul said:
"O Messenger of Allah, keep you stay in Medina and do not come out to their place. By Allah if we come out inevitably enemy will defeat us. And if they go to a place we surely we will be able to beat them. Let them in place Messenger of Allah. If they remain there, really they settled in the most ugly. If they enter Medina, they will be fought by men and stoned by the women and children. and if they come back to their homeland, they came back with failure such as when they come. "
The friend who wanted a meeting with the people of Quraysh remained in the place of the Prophet Muhammad., Until he went in and wearing his armor. The day was Friday and it happened when he finished prayers. On that day one of the Ansar named Malik bin Amr died. So the Prophet menshalatkannya. After that he came out to meet friends and they all regret. They said:
"We have forced the Prophet to come out. And it is not appropriate to do."
So when the Prophet came to them, they say:
"O Messenger of Allah, we have forced you out, and it was inappropriate we did. If you will, please you sit back (do not get out of Medina), hopefully Allah give blessings to you."
Messenger of Allah said:
"If a prophet has been wearing his armor, he does not deserve to take it off until he fought." Then the Prophet set out with a thousand companions of the Prophet.
When the Prophet Muhammad., With his companions arrived at Ash-Syauth, the area between Madinah and Uhud, Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul along with a third of his followers broke away from the Prophet. He said: "He (the Prophet) following the opinions of his friends and did not follow opinion. O man, what are we killing ourselves in this place?"
After that Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul returned to Medina with his followers, namely the munafiqin and people are seized with doubts. They were pursued by Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram, which is then said to them: "O my people, I remind you to God. Should you do not abandon people and the Prophet you when they were close to the enemy." They said: "If we know you will be fought, we certainly will not give you, but we thought the war would not have happened." When Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul and his followers insisted on returning in Medina, Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram said: "O enemies of Allah, may Allah keep you and He will make His Prophet did not need you." Meanwhile the Ansar said: "O Messenger of Allah, why we did not ask for assistance to our allies of the Jews?"
The Prophet said: "We do not need them." Rasulullah SAW continue to run until a stop on a road leading up the mountain of Uhud. He confronts the camel and his army to Uhud as he said: "Let any one of you fought before I sent him to war." While the people of Quraysh camels and horses to stop them on the fields that are in the ash-Syamghah, close to the channel of the Muslims. When the Messenger forbade them to fight until he is commanded, one of the Ansar said: "Pantaskah plants used as pasture Bani Qallah's while we were not given a share?"
Rasulullah SAW., With seven hundred friends getting ready for war. He appointed Abdullah ibn Jubayr brother Bani Amr bin Auf as the commander of the archers. When it was Abdullah bin Jubair codenamed white cloth and the archers were fifty people. Prophet said to him:
"Protect us from horsemen Qurayshis with your arrows, so that they do not attack from behind us. If we win or lose keep you in your place, so we will not be attacked from the direction of you!"
Rasulullah SAW clenched his armor and handed the banner to Mus'ab bin Umair brother Bani Abdud Daar. When the Prophet gave permission to Samurah Jundub bin al-Fazari and Rafi 'bin Khudaij brother Bani Haritha to join the war. When the two have only fifteen years old. Previously, he sent both back to Medina. But it is said to him: "O Messenger of Allah, verily Rafi 'was a great archer." But he also let him join the war. It was also said to him: "O Messenger of Allah, verily Samurah never beat Rafi '." Then he also let him join the war. In addition, the Prophet repatriate some friends who are still young teen namely: Usamah bin Zaid, Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Katthab, Zaid bin Thabit one from Bani Malik ibn an-Najjar, al-Bara 'ibn Azib of Bani Haritha Amr ibn Hazm of Bani Malik ibn an-Najjar, and Usaid bin Haritha Dhuhair of the sons, and then allow them to participate in the war Khandaq at the age of fifteen.
Meanwhile the polytheists measuring three thousand soldiers and two hundred horses put next to them are also making preparations for war. They appointed Khalid bin Walid as a cavalry commander in the right wing and Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl as cavalry commander in the left wing.
Rasulullah SAW., Said: "Who is ready to take this sword with his right?" Some companions stood up to retrieve it, but the Prophet did not hand it over to one of them. Abu Dujanah Simak bin Kharasyah brother Bani Sa'idah stand as he asked: "What right, O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "You slash enemies with it until this sword crooked." Abu Dujanah said: "I am ready to take it with her right, Messenger of Allah." So the Prophet handed the sword to him. Abu Dujanah was a brave and arrogant like walking in the middle of a war if it has erupted. He made the sign of red headband. If he had been wearing it, then people will know that he will fight. After taking the sword from the hand of the Prophet, Abu Dujanah issued a red headband, and then wear it on the head and walked som-bong between two rows. When viewed Abu Dujanah walk haughtily Messenger of Allah said: "Verily, as it is a street style street style hated by God, except in places like this (meaning in war)."
Meanwhile Abu Sufyan ibn Harb said, provoking the holders flag Bani Abdid Daar: "O Bani Abdid Daar, you are appointed to hold the flag of our war on the Badr then we lose as you know. Indeed, the troops approached from the direction of the holders of the flag. If the flag holders lose then the troops would be defeated. Now it's up to you, would you still be holding a flag of war or you'll take off-it, and for that we protect you. " The people of Bani Abdid Daar interested to bid Abu Sofyan and promised him, saying: "We leave the war flag to you. Tomorrow morning if we meet the enemy, you'll know what we do." It is an attitude that is what Abu Sofyan of them.
When the two armies met, Hind bint Utbah stood with other women, then took a tambourine and menabuhnya behind the troops against the unbelievers to rekindle their spirit.
Hind bint Utbah even bersya'ir:
"O Bani Abdud Daar,
Duhai defenders progeny,
That is struck with a sharp sword. "
Hindu bint Utbah also bersya'ir:
"If you go forward, you will be embraced
And we provide a small cushion for leaning
However if you retreat, we parted from you with a parting that was not fun. "
While the code of the Muslims at Uhud is amit, amit.
The two armies fought until the war was raging. Abu Dujanah fought to be in the middle between the two armies at war. He killed those they encounter. On the side of the polytheists are one who does not let anyone hurt from the Muslims unless he killed her as well. Pagans approached Abu Dujanah. So I (az-Zubayr ibn al-Awam -pent) prayed to Allah, hopefully he brings both. It was true, they both meet and fight each other. Idolaters hit Abu Dujanah, but shields the skin protects Abu Dujanah and holding the sword of the person. Then Abu Dujanah beat him to death. After that Abu Dujanah swing his sword up parting Hind bint Utbah, but then he lowered his sword back.
Abu Dujanah said: "I saw a man shave the victim's body with incisions, so I approached him and directing the sword to him. Turned out she was a woman, I respected the Prophet's sword did not kill with a woman. "
Meanwhile Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib fight to succeed in killing bin Abdu Artha'ah Syurahbil bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Abdiddaar. He was one of the flag bearer of the polytheists. After that Siba 'bin Abdul' Uzza al-Ghubsyani who was called Abu Niyar walked past Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib. The air Hamzah said: "Come, O children breaker clitoris!". Mother Siba 'was a carpenter circumcision in Makkah.
Wahshi ibn Harb, slave Mut'im bin Jubair said: "By Allah, I see Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib killing the Quraish with his sword and not leaving anyone. I see it as a camel mottled white and black. Suddenly ' Siba 'bin Abdul Uzza faster to Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib than me. Hamzah said: "Come here!" (Hamzah call by dialing the ugly) After the glottal hit Siba' bin Abdul Uzza right on the head. I was waving my spear until when I felt ready, I threw-it toward Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and right on the lower abdomen and the spear came out between his legs. Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib tried to walk towards me but could not and ended up falling. I let some time, until when convinced he had died I took my spear and returned to the barracks. I have no other purpose than to kill Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib because I want to be a free man.
When I arrived in Makkah I was immediately freed. Furthermore, I still live in Makkah, until when the Prophet Muhammad conquered Mecca, I ran to the Taef and stay there. When the delegate Ta'if went to see the Prophet Muhammad to declare convert to Islam suddenly seemed dark all the way for me. I said to myself: "I will go to Syria or Yemen or other countries." By God, I'm upset about it. But suddenly someone said to me: "Woe to you, for the sake of Allah, he (the Prophet -pent) will not kill anyone who entered in his religion and testify to the true testimony."
Hearing the words of the man I had come together with the people went to see the Prophet in Medina. There is nothing more frightening me unless standing in front of him and testify to the true testimony. When the Prophet saw, he said:
"Do you Wahshi ibn Harb?"
"Yes, O Messenger of God." I replied. Furthermore, he said:
"Sit down and tell me how you kill Hamzah!"
Once finished I described the event, he said: "Woe to you, hide your face from me! I do not want to see you again."
So I went, and I hope that the Prophet did not see again until he diwafatkan by God.
On the other hand, Mus'ab bin Umair fought to protect the Prophet. He was killed by al-Laitsi Qami'ah because he thought the Prophet Muhammad. After killing Mus'ab bin Umair, he returned to Mecca and said:
"I have killed Muhammad."
When Mus'ab bin Umair fall, the Prophet handed over the flag to Ali bin Abi Talib who then fought with some people from the Muslims. When the middle of the raging war, the Prophet sits under the banner of the Ansar and told someone to meet Ali bin Abi Talib with the message of Imam Ali should go ahead with the battle flag. Then he advanced and said: "I was Abul Qusham." {Warriors disastrous. He said that because in response to Abu Sa'ad who said "Ana Qashim" (I disastrous).}
Abu Sa'ad bin Abi Talha, the flag bearer of the polytheists exclaimed: "O Abul Qusham, are you willing to duel with me?" Ali bin Abi Talib replied: "Yes." Then they do a proxy war between the Muslims ranks and ranks of the idolaters. Both are swinging a sword and finally Ali bin Abi Talib successfully slashing Abu Sa'ad bin Abi Talha to get hurt. Furthermore, Ali bin Abi Talib went and did not kill him. The friend then asked: "Why did you not kill him at once?" Ali bin Abi Talib said: "He came to me with honor and I feel sorry for her because of the kinship between me and him. And after that I knew that Allah Ta'ala has it turned off.
Meanwhile Asim bin Thabit bin Abi Aqlah fight it out and managed to kill Musafi 'bin Talha and his brother al-Julas bin Talha. Both were hit by arrows Asim bin Thabit. Before his death, one of the two to his mother named Sulafah and put my head on her lap. Sulafah said: "My son, who's hurt?" He replied: "When someone threw a dart, I heard him say:" Take this, I am the son of Abu Abi Aqlah. "Sulafah was bernadzar if God gives him the chance to see the head of Asim bin Thabit, he would menyi-ramnya with liquor.
Handhalah bin Abu Amir al-Ghasil (which bathed the angels) met with Abu Sufyan ibn Harb at Uhud. When Handhalah bin Abi Amir can overcome the resistance of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, suddenly Shaddad bin Al-Aswad ren Syu'ub- saw it and hit Handhalah bin Abi Amir and into the autumn. Rasulullah SAW., Said: "It is your friend, Handhalah, would have bathed the angels." When the companions inquired about Handhalah to his wife: "What Handhalah bin Abi Amir?" His wife replied that Handhalah bin Abi Amir out of the house in a state junub when he heard the call of jihad.
Then Allah Ta'ala degrade aid to the Muslims and keep His promise to them. The Muslims managed to kill the idolaters with their swords and managed to break the enemy's defenses. Defeat override the polytheists and inevitable.
Az-Zubair said: "By Allah, I see anklet Hind bint Utbah and his friends scattered and not taken the slightest. Suddenly the archers down to the barracks when we managed to break the enemy defenses and allowing our backs were in front of the cavalry enemies. Eventually we were attacked by cavalry enemy from way back, and someone shouted: "Indeed Mu-Mohammad has been killed." So the enemy beat us after we managed to defeat the holders of their flag to nobody dared approach. flag Quraish who fell later taken by Amrah bint al-Qamah al-Day-tsiyah and held it high to the people of Quraish who then gathered around.
Muslims defense collapsed, and they were attacked by the enemy. Today it is the test day and the day cleaning. Allah praises the Muslims by giving them the chance of martyrdom. Because the defense of the Muslims has been opened, the enemy managed to get into the place of the Prophet Muhammad., Then throw him with stones that they fell in a state of tilt. The stone on the incisors, injuring his face and lips. The man who threw his stones at it is Utbah bin Abi Waqqas. Blood was running down his face. He wiped it away as he said; 'How can a people can be happy, they're hurting their prophet's face. Though he led them with their Lord. "
Then Allah Almighty revealed the verse:
"There is no iota of your interference in their affairs it or Allah accept their repentance, or mengadzab them, for they are the people who are wrongdoers." (Ali Imran: 128)
Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri RA., Said that the battle of Uhud: "Utbah bin Abi Waqqas threw Prophet Muhammad to solve the incisors to the right bottom and also hurt his lip. Abdullah bin Shihab az-Zuhri injuring his forehead. Ibn Qami'ah injure the upper cheeks protruding up to two pieces of iron chain went into the top of his cheek. Prophet Muhammad fell into one of the holes made by Abu Amir so that the Muslims fall into it without them knowing it. Then Ali bin Abi Talib holding his hand and Talhah raised him until he could stand up. Malik bin Sinan namely Abu Sa'id al-Khudri wiped the blood from his face and swallow. Then the Prophet said: "He-who touched the blood of my blood, surely he will not touch the fire of Hell."
When the Prophet Muhammad., Surrounded by people of Quraish, he said: "Who is ready to sacrifice his life for me?" Ziyad bin as-Sakan standing with five people from the Ansar. They fought all-out to protect the Prophet Muhammad until one by one they died as martyrs. And the person who last fall of them is Ziyad or Umrah who fought and injured. When in such circumstances came a group of Muslims who finally managed to expel the polytheists of about Prophet Muhammad. Then he said: "Bring it to me!" Then they raised it to the Prophet Muhammad who then makes his feet as a pillow. Finally Ziyad bin as-Sakan deceased was his cheeks were above the feet of the Prophet.
Companions who first saw the Prophet Muhammad., After their defeat and greeting people who said that he had been killed was Ka'b bin Malik. He said: "I saw the holy Prophet eyes shining from under the shield of the head. Then I shouted loudly: 'O all Muslims, merry-lah you. This is the Prophet. 'Prophet motioned to me that I was silent. "
When the Muslims know that the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, they rose in unison toward him. Then he walked toward the mountain of Uhud with them with a abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Umar bin Khatthab, Ali bin Abi Talib, Talha bin Ubaidilah, az-Zubair, al-Harith ibn ash-Shammah, and some people from the Muslims. When the Messenger climb the road to the mountain of Uhud, he ran into Ubay bin Khalaf who then asked him: "Interlocking where are you going, O Muhammad? I would not have survived if you survive. "The Companions said:" O Messenger of Allah, is it appropriate person among us be kind to him? "He said:" Let him. "
When the Prophet Muhammad., Has been close to Ubay bin Khalaf, he took the spear from the hands of al-Harith ibn ash-Shimmah. Most narrators said that when the Prophet took the spear from the hands of al-Harith ibn ash-Shammah, suddenly he shook with tremendous turbulence that makes us fly from him like flies floating on the camel's back. Rasulullah SAW advanced towards Ubay ibn Khalaf and then stabbing his neck to fall many times. Formerly Ubay bin Khalaf never met the Prophet in Makkah. When he said to him: "O Muhammad, I have a horse named al-Audz I fed twelve quintals every day, so that later I could kill you on it." The Prophet said: "Even I who will kill you, God willing. "
When Ubay bin Khalaf returned to the Quraysh with a wound in his neck that is not too severe and the blood had been stopped, he said: "By Allah, I have been killed by Muhammad." The Quraish said: "By Allah, you have lose your nerve. Are not you still have the power? "Ubay bin Khalaf said:" When I was in Mecca, he once said to me, 'I'll kill you'. By God, if he were spitting at me, surely he could kill me with his saliva. "After that Ubay bin Khalaf his last breath, and men of Quraysh brought his body back to Makkah.
When the Prophet Muhammad., Arrived in front of the road to the mountain of Uhud, Ali bin Abi Talib RA., Exit toward al-Mihras (a place at Uhud), to fill the water. Then Ali took him to the Prophet and he drank from it. Because the smell is not pleasant, he does not drink. He just wiped the blood on his face and throw water at the head, as he said: "Allah is very angry with the person who hurt face his prophet." Rasulullah SAW climb the mountain rocks in a state body began to weaken and wear the armor at the front and rear body. He tried to keep climbing but failed. Then Talhah he sat down and stood up, he could stand up straight. The Prophet said: "Talha definitely enter Paradise." He said that because of what has been done Talha against him.
Among those killed in Uhud is Mukhairiq the Jews. He is originally from Bani Tha'labah bin al-Fithyaun. When there is a battle of Uhud, he said: "O Jews, for God's sake you do not know that help Muhammad is a liability to you." The Jews said, "This is a Saturday." Mukhairiq said: "There is no Saturday for you. "After that he took the sword and supplies. He said: "If I die, my treasure belongs to Muhammad. He may use as they wish. "Then he went to the Messenger of Allah and fight with him until he was killed. Rasulullah SAW., Said: "Mukhairiq is the best of the Jews."
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